Tom and I are involved in a Bible Study called "The Love Dare" which is based upon the movie Fireproof. I know that the movie was a tad cheesy at points, but the overall message and the pertinent themes really can add value to a marriage. This past week we studied the principles of true forgiveness. I love the way that the study captures me and allows me to see my life and our marriage in the light of humility. I see this as a huge gift.
So what does it mean to truly forgive someone? Forgiveness begins when you choose to treat another person the same way you want God to treat you (emphasis on the CHOOSING). Its when you extend the same undeserved mercy God extended to you through the sacrifice of His Son. Forgiveness happens when you let God be the Judge of another and release all your anger and vengeance over to Him. It means that you set the offender free from the debt they owe you and let them out of the prison of anger you have kept in your heart.
I can tell you that I struggle with this concept. It is MUCH easier said than done. I know it is not my place to judge others yet I feel I OUGHT to because they "hurt" me. Crazy, huh? Tom and I have discussed this a great deal in the past week and we have come to conclusion that for us...having bitterness and being unwilling to forgive another will ultimately affect our relationship with each other even if the relationships are not parallel. The study focuses on the marriage, yet we are learning so many other valuable lessons that can permeate to other relationships in our lives as well. So I have set out to forgive everyone who has ever hurt me and to allow God's mercy to fill the corner of my soul where I allowed bitterness to dwell.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.
-Ephesians 4:32
21 hours ago
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