When I was 5 years old, I remember vividly the process of learning to ride my bike. I wanted to practice any chance that I got and I passionately rode that bike when I did. At that point, I had ditched my training wheels. Mom and dad were guiding me through the learning stages in our side yard so that if I did fall I would land softly. Even when I felt like I had gotten the hang of it, I preferred that my mom or dad walk beside me. I had pedaled away on my own a few times just because I was out of control, but I still liked it better when my parents could be right there.
I remember when Dad felt that I had finally mastered it and he felt that I was able to freely ride away. I said, “I still need your help, though. So walk by me, and put your hand on my back. Just a little; not too much. When you do that, it helps me feel brave.”
I knew that when he placed his hand on my back, at about shoulder-blade level, I rode better and faster. But I had never thought about it in terms of his touch giving me courage until now.
Isn’t that a beautiful picture of what our Father does for us?
God knows that sometimes, we’re uncertain. Sometimes, we’re not all that brave. Other times, we’re just plain scared. So He places His hand at our back as we try to figure out how to balance. His touch is light enough so we can stretch our wings a little, but heavy enough to remind us He’s there. And He walks along beside us as we head into the unknown.
I wonder what you and I would have the confidence to attempt if we could truly grasp the fact that God’s hand is keeping us from falling.
Granted, there are times bad things do happen to us, which God chooses not to prevent. But I am describing here what happens when God calls us to do something. In other words, He asks us to learn to ride.
God never calls us to something we’re unable to do, then refuses to help us learn to do it. He doesn’t set us up to fail. He wants us to succeed. He wants us to be able to perform the work He has for us. So He does everything in His incredible power to fit us for fulfilling our calling.
For me, I am learning how to dive deep into bible study. I am also trying to reach out to people more often and encourage others. For sure, I am trying to be the best wife and mother that I can be.
We never make the attempt alone. God is with us, and He’s even closer than right beside us. If we are His children, His spirit is within us. He will see us through this process we’ve started, for as long as it takes. For as long as it takes...what a testimony of His love for us!
I wonder what kind of confidence it would give us if we only realized that God is right there throughout our attempts.
We could start forward in boldness, knowing that God will catch us if we begin to fall. After all, can we not trust Him to enable us to successfully perform that which He’s called us to do? I know my parents could protect me when I rode my bike and any loving thing they did was only an imperfect shadow of what our Heavenly Father can do for us.
Every time I wanted to go outside and practice riding I placed my trust in my parents. Why? Because I knew that they had been trustworthy in the past, and I had confidence in their ability to keep me safe.
God is infinitely more trustworthy than even the best parent in the world, and He is certainly more able. Should we then not have far greater confidence in our Father than I had in my mom and dad?
I knew that I couldn't ride my bike on my own. You and I know that we can’t fulfill what God has asked us to do on our own. But just as I could ride with my parent's help, we can accomplish anything God has called us to do when we have His enabling power—which is always.
Is there some area in your life where you’re still standing up on the porch, looking at the bike, afraid to get on and try? Have you forgotten that with your Father’s help, you can ride?
Come down off the porch. Our Father is waiting to help you.
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
-Philippians 4:13
20 hours ago
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