The grateful heart is a magnet that attracts more blessings. How is this possible? Well, the blessings were always there; we just didn't see them. Gratitude clears the haze that obscures the gifts surrounding us. To be enlightened is to live a life of gratitude. I found a quote by Johannes A. Gaertner that read, "To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven."
Are you living in a garden of abundance and joy or in a barren wilderness? Whatever your situation, both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend. When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present: love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure...the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth. To me that is pretty powerful!
Our decision on whether we focus on the positive or the negative determines whether we live in heaven or hell. For example, when the going gets tough, do we focus on the unpleasantness or are we thankful for the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson?
The rewards of gratitude are many. It will change a life of emptiness to one of fulfillment. Unappreciative people are never satisfied and live empty lives. If we do not appreciate what we have now, how can we enjoy what we hope to have in the future? To have what you want; learn to want what you have. Also, when we are fully aware of the treasures we already have, we eliminate worry, fear, greed, and envy.
Just something to ponder...are you truly grateful or just a little thankful?
20 hours ago
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