Daily, I feel provoked to take a few steps forward in hopes that tomorrow's yesterday will be better than today's. I yearn for change, yet I want everything else to change around me. I want people to change. I want situations to change. I find myself not wanting to change, but expecting changed circumstances. It just goes to show what an innate self-centered nature lies deep within us whether we are conscious of it or not. Everything we see, hear, smell, touch and taste relates to our past experiences and nothing else. Our thoughts are solely based upon what has been. I find myself wondering how I can change that. I find myself in a rut sometimes and I feel as though I am unable to break that cycle, whatever it may be.
For example, I went to the doctor today and I found myself in an incredibly bad mood because I hate the waiting room. To me, there is nothing more painful than sitting in a room with physically sick people and breathing their sickness deep into my lungs while listening to their loud conversations. I looked for the chair furthest away and tried to find an appealing magazine. Much to my dismay, I soon found myself seated by a family who was speaking so loudly that I am sure their conversation could be heard from outside. A man took over my arm rest and preceded to spread his knees widely and took up most of the leg room in front of my chair forcing me to lean to the right and across my legs! I began begging the Lord to make them call my name quickly (or theirs would have been fine too). The family was talking about rather inappropriate things that I certainly didn't want to hear about, but I was forced to listen to and put up with their antics.
So in this situation, I had a bad heart attitude even before entering the waiting room. In fact, I woke up irritated at the fact that I had to go to the doctor's office. I am beginning to believe more and more that our thoughts can influence not only how we react to situations around us, but I think our thoughts influence the situation itself.
I read a research study recently that hypothesized that our thoughts create physical, measurable energy that we emit to the world around us. Negative thoughts emit negative energy and positive thoughts emit positive energy to the world around us. Without getting too deep into it... it is based upon the basic principles of physics, some of the most powerful laws in the universe including, "What goes up must come down." In accordance, "What you give you will receive." I am not talking about what you DO to someone or how you TREAT someone. I am talking about the energy that you emit, something no one ever sees, but they can certainly feel it. I believe that energy shapes your surroundings in a positive or negative way. This measurable energy runs like a golden thread through the lives of all humanity. All that anyone has ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.
After studying this research I believe that our thoughts today will transform into tomorrow's experiences. Instead of focusing my thoughts on what I don't have and how the people around me "let me down", I will choose to focus on what I want in a positive manner. It all begins with gratitude. I can be grateful for things that haven't even happened yet! I can choose to be grateful for tomorrow's blessings even though they are just around the bend. Transforming my thoughts to positive resolution will not only affect me, but also the physical space in which a live. Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance. How awesome is that!
20 hours ago
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