It seems that several times each day I find myself wondering (often very loudly and in an irritated tone of voice) what on earth this child is thinking when she performs some of her antics. I am reasonably sure that she is really not just trying to drive me crazy (is she?) and I believe she is of at least average intelligence but sometimes the things that she does just shocks me.
Take Julia today. I was busy taking care of my business in the bathroom (yes, you know that I get no privacy what so ever) and she had found my keys.
Well, anyway, Julia, being the adorable little 16-month old that she is started using the key to pretend to open all the door in the bathroom. I remember thinking how cute it was to see her pudgy little hands role-playing with the key and thinking how brilliant she was that she knew what a key was and how to use it. I'm just being honest. After all, if your own mother can't think that you are brilliant then who can?
Well, I had to interupt my reverie to finish up what I was doing and so that I could get dinner going. In the 30, no more like 10, seconds that it took me to look away from Julia to attempt to find the tissue. We can not keep it on the roll anymore because those cute pudgy fingers will rip the ENTIRE roll to shreds which literally KILLS her father who will fold it and lay it on the back of the tiolet...but that is another story! So in that short amount of time she managed to transform from cute role-playing toddler into a crazed maniac.
The girl had put the key UP HER NOSE! Yes, that's right, the key was placed inside of her nostril. She was just holding it up there just as calm as you please. She did have a slightly quizzical look on her face. Was she wondering "What posessed me to do that?" I do not know for sure.
I did not want to shout too loud which would frighten her and make the pointy object go even further into the place where it should not be! So as I moved towards her to calmly remove the key from her she removed the key and went on about her business. She dropped it and turned and starting walking away.
I found myself trying to recreate the moment that the key went into her nose. Was she merely wondering, "What do keys feel like in your nose?" or was there something more intellectual, more scientific in her query?
I guess I will never know. (Thank goodness!)
21 hours ago
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