Today I am overwhelmed with such a grateful heart. It has brought me to tears. Why am I so blessed? Why has God allowed my family such comforts and second chances? Why has God chosen to give me a husband who truly cherishes me and wants nothing more than to just be with me? Why has God given me a little girl who oozes joy to the very pit of her being...She brings such joy and excitement to my life. Then my mind wanders to the friends that God has no doubt strategically placed in my life during this season and chapter. I wonder if we would be so close if we met in 10 years from now. Would our lives collide in such a way that we would be such steadfast friends? In all things I am reminded of the love that the Father has for me. He chooses the folks who walk into my life and at times He allows me to see a glimpse of His plan. Tom and I have been reminded more and more recently that we are His hands and feet and we are to love so intensely for nothing else other than to be the extension of His love. How amazing is that, that our Heavenly Father would allow us to serve Him in such a way. Wow! We have built relationships with others who are hurting, deeply hurting through trials we have not faced. We pray together, cry together and sort through the grief together. I cannot even begin to describe the intensity that ministering to othershas changed our relationship with each other. I am so thankful that even in the darker days, God gives me hope more often than not, by allowing me to be with others who love Him and show His love to me.
Thank you Lord for your love that you show to me through those who love you. i am humbled, grateful and thankful that you allow me to experience such intense joy by living for you.
8 hours ago